Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Sophie's World Reflection #2

The plot of Sophie’s World continues to perplex me. There are so many things that we don’t know, and I keep trying to put all the pieces together, yet they all seem too disconnected to make sense of at this point. I can’t find any reasonable way to explain the connection between Hilde, her father, Alberto, and Sophie. I am glad that Alberto has finally revealed himself to Sophie and they are having physical meetings, it takes away one element of mystery I’d been trying to juggle in my mind. It blows my mind that somehow Sophie is receiving all these letters meant for a total stranger (as far as we know), and that the girl’s necklace was found under Sophie’s bed, also how Sophie found the money that apparently was Hilde’s. So far, I can’t seem to connect the dots of the plot, though I’m hoping it will all come together. It’s so all over the place I’m having a bit of a hard time keeping up with all the letters and items that have been collected so far.

            As for the content of the book regarding the teaching of philosophy, I find it all fascinating. Alberto seems to know just how to get a 14-year-old like Sophie interested in such a broad, perplexing topic, and manages to keep me on track as well. I was having a harder time following all the religious aspects, as someone who knows very little about religion as a whole. Since I don’t practice religion, I didn’t find this quite as interesting as some of the ideas like fate vs. freewill or how to live life, as we’ve discussed over the past few weeks. Although I am trying to keep an open mind, and as I make sense of everything Alberto is explaining to Sophie, I’m developing new ideas and understanding points of view that I had never even considered before.

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