Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Sophie's World Reflection #4

Things just keep getting weirder and weirder in this book. Now that the twist had been revealed, that Sophie is potentially just a character in a book created for Hilde, I don’t know what to think. After investing all this time in the book, I want to believe that she’s more than a character and that somehow her and Alberto are real people truly being manipulated by Hilde’s father. However, I realize that that concept could be even crazier than the concept of them being characters in a story, I wonder how they could been strung along this much by someone in another part of the world, someone neither of them have met before. I have the strange feeling that things are only going to get weirder as time goes on. The sense of urgency suddenly imparted on their lessons almost makes me a bit nervous when I read, it seems like Alberto can’t get through the philosophy course fast enough at this point.

Hilde’s confusion is shared by me, and likely most of the other readers. I can’t imagine why her father decided this was the best way to wish her a happy birthday, it seems awfully complex and a little bit strange to me. It feels eerie, as if there has to be some underlying meaning that we’re still missing. I know there’s plenty left in the story to fill the gaps in my knowledge, but I wish I could have all the answers now, and put my mind at rest. Overall, something just feels a bit “off” with the entire story.

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